Animation director/illustrator Maliboo in Barcelona: “For years I’ve been recommending or giving away Gerald Durrell’s book “My Family and Other Animals” to whoever came to me looking for a good read.” [Watch]
Director/designer Can Inceler at Basthead Animation in Istanbul/London: “Artz & Bugy are rap musicians of Turkish origin and living in Berlin. We made a collab for their new album teaser video.” [Watch]
Before a recent jaunt to his local Department of Motor Vehicles, director/animator Doug Alberts could have just griped and complained like the rest of us but chose instead to spin the “personalities, funny smells, and paperwork” into a smile-inducing song and music video. [Watch]
Combining faux stop-motion, infographic icons, and multi-frame layouts into a quirky feel-good narrative, Latitude Du Printemps was created by six students as their grad film at Supinfocom Rubika in Valenciennes, France. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Animation, Character Animation, Featured, Short Films, Student Work · Tags Chloé Bourdic, Maÿlis Mosny, Noémie Halberstam, Romain Camiolo, Supinfocom, Sylvain Cuvillier, Théophile Coursimault, Zijing Ye
Founded in 1969 and owned by BMW since 2000, MINI’s reputation as a fun ride has been a constant throughout its history, and with the release of these special edition models, ManvsMachine takes that playfulness to the next level. [Watch]
AD and Motion Designer Sylvain Gaussens in Paris: “The term Euphony is usually used in poetry to specify a pleasant succession of words and structures. This film is built like a melody between complexity and simplicity.” [Watch]