Acer Green Day Audis Huang Moonshine Animation | STASH MAGAZINE

Acer Green Day Opening Film by Audis Huang and Moonshine Animation

Motion designer Audis Huang in Taipei, Taiwan: “This project is the opening film of Acer’s Green Day 2022 event that aims to deliver Acer’s eco-friendly vision in the following years.” [Watch]

CCIA A Life Should be Long Julian Frost Unlisted | STASH MAGAZINE

Julian Frost and CCIA Declare “A Life Should be Long”

Unlisted director/animator Julian Frost (who broke the internet and awards circuit in 2013 with “Dumb Ways to Die”) celebrates keeping kids’ dreams alive in this sweet short film for the Children’s Cancer Institute Australia. [Watch]

AIM Creative What is a Gig Economy TED-Ed | STASH MAGAZINE

AIM Creative Asks “What is a Gig Economy?” for TED-Ed

In their third film produced for TED-Ed and the World Economic Forum, director/illustrator Christoph Sarow and Portugal-based animation studio AIM Creative reveal the perils and pleasures faced by freelancers in today’s economy. [Watch]

FutureDeluxe Beosound Theatre Soundbar Bang & Olufsen | STASH MAGAZINE

FutureDeluxe Unveil the Beosound Theatre Soundbar for Bang & Olufsen

Director Raj Davsi and the FutureDeluxe design and animation crew translate the aural aptitude of the new Beosound Theatre Soundbar into a visual journey of fantasy and fabric for Danish luxury audio brand Bang & Olufsen. [Watch]

908 Mitte Home Product Film | STASH MAGAZINE

908’s Mitte Home Product Film Adds New Depth to Water

From the team at motion design and multimedia studio 908 in Berlin: “This product film is an immersion into the water maker Mitte Home. Through thunder, water, and rock simulations we tell the story of how tap water is turned into purified, mineralized, still, or sparkling water.” [Watch]

Warframe Ascension Day Game Trailer David Pagaille Passion Paris | STASH MAGAZINE

Warframe “Ascension Day” Game Trailer by David Pagaille and Passion Paris

Director David Pagaille and the 2D animation team at Passion Paris spent a full year crafting this energized 5 1/2-minute trailer/short film for the launch of the latest edition of Warframe, Digital Extremes’ free-to-play sci-fi game. [Watch]