Refinery Fuelcontent Investment Ninety One | STASH MAGAZINE

Refinery and Fuelcontent Root out Investment Cliches for Ninety One

Director Gerhard Pretorius at Fuelcontent in Cape Town, South Africa: “From the very first draft of the script, it was clear this was going to be something completely different. The writing is smart, wry, and confident, but we didn’t want to come off as arrogant in any shape or form.”

Nike 50 Years SU22 Directors Cut by Builders Club | STASH MAGAZINE

Nike 50 Years “SU22” Directors Cut by Builders Club

From the team at Builders Club in London: “We were brought on by Nike to contribute to their 50th-anniversary celebrations. The campaign we were focusing on, titled SU22, was the ultimate opportunity to champion timeless stories of Nike’s past to power the future 50. [Watch]

BRTHR and Friends Go Wild at Galeries Lafayette

French luxury department store Galeries Lafayette embraces their inner enfant terrible in this grand and aggressive TV/online spot from Hamlet directing duo BRTHR and VFX shop HIMIA thru DDB Paris. [Watch]

Cointelli Brand film by Yacht | STASH MAGAZINE

Yacht Wakes up Crypto Tax Reporting for Cointelli

From the team at Yacht design studio in Seoul, South Korea: “We produced this brand film for Cointelli, a fast-growing startup that provides tax services related to cryptocurrencies.” [Watch]

Terri Timely ArtJail Spark Joy for Google One | STASH MAGAZINE

Terri Timely and ArtJail “Spark Joy” for Google One

Working with Park Pictures director Terri Timely, VFX/post house ArtJail manifests a vast gallery of virtual joy in this breezy short film for Google’s subscription cloud storage solution for Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos. [Watch]

Nicolai Fuglsig Selected Works Ladbrokes Rocky | STASH MAGAZINE

Nicolai Fuglsig and Selected Works Restage Rocky’s Run for Ladbrokes

Merging original footage, 250 costumed performers, and proprietary post techniques, MJZ director Nicolai Fuglsig and London VFX shop Selected Works update a classic scene from Sylvester Stallone’s 1979 blockbuster Rocky II for UK bookmaker Ladbrokes.