FutureDeluxe Nike Magista | STYLE FRAMES

Data meets Design: FutureDeluxe Pitches for Nike Magista 2

Confessed football and sneaker zealots, London studio FutureDeluxe admit they pour too much time and love into jobs like this spot for Nike’s Magista 2 boot. Revealed here for the first time are some of the striking style frames from the pitch that landed the gig. [Watch]

Nike Techfleece | STASH MAGAZINE

Aixsponza Go Three Rounds with “Nike Techfleece”

Follow Munich motion house Aixsponza for three rounds of style frames, feedback and changes with the Global Brand Design team at Nike Sportswear to nail the look and feel of their recent CG opus, a 50-second product film for Nike’s Techfleece line. [Watch]

The countdown to STYLE FRAMES is on!

Less than 60 days to go until New York’s own STYLE FRAMES design conference takes over the SVA Theatre on 23rd street for two days of inspiring speakers, insightful panels, and intense socializing on Nov 7-8. [Watch]

Sehsucht Audi | STASH MAGAZINE

Sehsucht and Stinkfilm: Audi “The Comeback”

Self-driving cars garner a lot of press lately but “The Comeback” – from Stinkfilm director Stephan Wever and starring a limb-challenged CG T-Rex from Sehsucht – announcing Audi’s new piloted driving system, maybe the first ad for the genre that deserves media space itself. [Watch]

Mother Russia Bleeds Trailer | STASH MAGAZINE

CRCR: Mother Russia Bleeds Trailer

If you pine for the glory days of blood-soaked side-scrolling brawler games, Mother Russia Bleeds from indie Paris developer Le Cartel may be your thing. Either way, French directing collective CRCR has fun packing this trailer with plenty of atmosphere as well as the old ultra-violence. [Watch]

The Animation Workshop |STASH MAGAZINE

That’s Cool: Saving the Rainforest is Not Just for Hippies

Stellar character design and animation in this commercial project assignment produced in 17 weeks by a team of second year animation students at The Animation Workshop in Viborg, Denmark for the Danish NGO Verdens Skove (“Forests of the World”). [Watch]