Freitag Big Buddy Blue | STASH MAGAZINE

“Big Buddy Blue – a Freitag® Story” by Team Tumult

Snappy, vibrant, and a joy to watch, “Big Buddy Blue” by Zurich motion house Team Tumult is the third film in the Tarp Blanche series commissioned by Swiss bag manufacturers Freitag. [Watch]

Jake Kassen MVMT Shopify | STASH MAGAZINE

Matt Smithson for Shopify “MVMT Watches”

If you have any entrepreneurial bones in your body this mini-portrait of MVMT Watches co-founder Jake Kassan, created by Matt Smithson (aka Man vs Magnet) for Shopify, will certainly stir your blood. [Watch]

Kwid_Renault The Hulk | STASH MAGAZINE

Hulk Hammers Satellite for Renault (Director’s Cut)

The Framestore Film team in London and Integrated Advertising team in Los Angeles extend the studio’s big screen experience with the Hulk into director Jonathan Gurvit’s slammin’ new “Renault KWID” spot. [Watch]

AUDI Test Drive commercial | STASH MAGAZINE

Buckle Up for the Audi “Test Drive”

MPC brings the VFX power (both visible and not) to director Salomon Ligthelm’s testosterone-fueled spot for Audi’s RS line with actor Michael Maino nailing the script from agency Venables Bell. [Watch]

Rick and Morty Exquisite Corpse | STASH MAGAZINE

Trippin’ Through the Rick and Morty Exquisite Corpse

The new season of Rick and Morty (Adult Swim’s most scientifically accurate animated comedy) hit the air last night. The network promo’d the return of the cult hit with this acid-fueled frenzy created by 22 animators lead by Titmouse director Matt Taylor. [Watch]

Facebook Community Stasndards | STASH MAGAZINE

Facebook “Community Standards” Explained (Beautifully)

Striking the perfect tone of assertive but approachable, London directors Moth and the Hornet NYC crew reveal the process behind Facebook’s efforts to detect and delete posts that violate their community standards. [Watch]