Moth Animates Trailer for Benji Davies’ Kid’s Book “The Grotlyn”
“Trailer for Benji Davies’ picture book, ‘The Grotlyn’.” [Watch]
“Trailer for Benji Davies’ picture book, ‘The Grotlyn’.” [Watch]
Director Damon Duncan and the 3D animation crew at Assembly in Auckland show off their character and narrative skills with this mini-epic documenting the life of Geoff, devoted family man and bean fanatic. [Watch]
“John Jones, Passion Paris director and talented one-man creative band, just created this piece to launch for Harmonix’ new video game Super Beat Sports. [Watch]
Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts and the Framestore VFX team lubricate this massive new trailer for Destiny 2 with just enough smart-ass comedy to attract new players while keeping hardcore fans firmly in hand. [Watch]
Back in 2014 stock house Dissolve released “This Is a Generic Brand Video” to well-deserved acclaim. Their newest poke at advertising tropes takes aim at tone-deaf marketers targeting humans born between 1980 and 2000. [Watch]
Prettybird director Rami Hachache, Paris CG and VFX studio Mathematic, and Wu-Tang Clan’s RZA elevate CAA’s SAVOR.WAVS campaign for Chipotle with a nice mix of style and wit. [Watch]