Animating Safe Sex in Sweden (Mature)
CG artist David Sandell at Depiction in Stockholm animates an ad for 1177 Vårdguiden thru Länge Leve [Watch]
CG artist David Sandell at Depiction in Stockholm animates an ad for 1177 Vårdguiden thru Länge Leve [Watch]
Rimantas Lukavicius and the Korb crew continue to build their videography of precise and dramatic CG commercial work from their HQ in Vilnius, Lithuania with this online film for venerable US eyewear makers Smith Optics. [Watch]
“Trailer for Benji Davies’ picture book, ‘The Grotlyn’.” [Watch]
Director Damon Duncan and the 3D animation crew at Assembly in Auckland show off their character and narrative skills with this mini-epic documenting the life of Geoff, devoted family man and bean fanatic. [Watch]
“John Jones, Passion Paris director and talented one-man creative band, just created this piece to launch for Harmonix’ new video game Super Beat Sports. [Watch]
Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts and the Framestore VFX team lubricate this massive new trailer for Destiny 2 with just enough smart-ass comedy to attract new players while keeping hardcore fans firmly in hand. [Watch]