Walmart Famous Visitors - Super Bowl Extended Cut | STASH MAGAZINE

Walmart “Famous Visitors – Super Bowl Extended Cut”

In 2015, Hungry Man director Wayne McClammy changed the scale and intensity of ad parody forever with this magnum opus, and now for Super Bowl LIV he and The Mill VFX crew conjure a new level of sci-fi cameo-fest for Walmart. [Watch]

Pringles Rick and Morty Super Bowl Commercial | STASH MAGAZINE

Rick and Morty Ride Pringles to the Super Bowl

For the first time since their TV debut in 2013, Adult Swim’s star misfits Rick and Morty will dimension-hop to the Super Bowl in 2020 by way of this note-perfect work produced in-house by the network thru the Grey Group for Pringles. [Watch]

Egyptian Rap Pepsi Back Your Black | STASH MAGAZINE

Egyptian Rap + Pepsi = “Back Your Black”

Good People director (and former agency creative director) Maged Nassar’s newest work features Egyptian rap artists Abyusif and Marwan Pablo in a kinetic high-contrast spot/music video full of gritty motion and post work. [Watch]

Stash 139 preview | STASH MAGAZINE
Kesko Kiroileva Hiili | STASH MAGAZINE

Cursing and Carbon for Kesko

Finnish cartoonist Milla Paloniemi adapts her beloved character Kiroileva siili (cursing hedgehog) and his fondness for foul language to the green initiative of Helsinki conglomerate Kesko in this lovable spot called “Kiroileva Hiili” (cursed carbon). [Watch]

Habito The Climb commercial | STASH MAGAZINE

Hornet Heaps More Hell on Habito

From Hornet in NYC: “Director Andy Baker teamed up with Uncommon Creative Studio to illustrate just how hellish, nightmarish, and downright mortally stressful it can be to buy a home without the help of Habito, the UK’s largest online mortgage broker. [Watch]