One definite way to keep the client happy with your spot is make sure their product dominates the screen at all times. Nexus director Jack Cunningham combines that very strategy (even if the couch is CG) with charming and minimalist hand-drawn character animation in this sunny, feel-good spot for Vitra created [Watch]
Director Andrew Proctor and the Mill+ crew play midwife to Audi’s R8 supercar as it breathes, pushes and strains to deliver the new 362bhp RS 3 Sportback in this 110-second all-CG opus created in collaboration with MJZ director Rupert Sanders thru BBH London. [Watch]
If you’ve ever had to battle the myriad frustrations of online marketing, you’ll definitely appreciate these four madcap spots for Google Ads Brazil from director Tomás García and Buenos Aires character masters PepperMelon. [Watch]
Vinicius Costa fans will immediately recognize his exacting art direction and love of fine detail in this ID created for HBO from an open brief with fellow Roof Studio creative director Guto Terni and audio house Huma-Huma. [Watch]
Post and VFX work from New York’s Artjail offers perfect support to Heat‘s elevated copywriting and the meticulous high-speed footage shot by Park Pictures director Terri Timely in this new :45 for Dolby’s Atmos surround sound technology. [Watch]
Director Patrick Clair and the Elastic crew team with 72andSunny to compile a convincing news montage stretching 50 years into the future creating an unnerving back story for Activision’s Call of Duty franchise in prep for the release of “Black Ops III” this fall. [Watch]