Behind the VFX of Björk’s “Black Lake” by Andrew Thomas Huang

Commissioned by the Museum of Modern Art in New York as part of their Björk retrospective, Andrew Thomas Huang‘s “Black Lake” tones down the visual surreality of his previous collaboration’s with the singer while dialing up the raw emotion of her performance. [Watch]

Zoran Bihac: Till Lindemann “Praise Abort” (NSFW)

German director Zoran Bihac pushes just about every uncomfortable button possible in this darkly comic/insane new video for Rammstein lead singer Till Lindemann. Words can’t really do it justice. Just watch (if you dare). [Watch]

Ringling_None of That | STASH MAGAZINE

Nudity, Censorship, Handcuffs! We’ll Have “None of That”

Great story, pacing, and character work from Ringling College of Art and Design students Anna Hinds Paddock, Isabela Littger de Pinho, and Kriti Kaur in their 3D-animated short “None of That”. [Watch]


Smith & Foulkes’ Latest for Honda

Nexus directors Smith & Foulkes‘ history with Honda is long and award-laden (we ran Honda “GRRR” on the cover of Stash 03 in Nov. 2004) and this latest pair of spots, which break today thru agency RPA, finds the directing duo’s signature charm and gentle humor applied to the launch of the HR-V Crossover. [Watch]

High Windows Philip Larkin | STASH MAGAZINE

Onur Senturk Sculpts Philip Larkin’s “High Windows”

Troublemakers director Onur Senturk sculpts a dark and dramatic vision of “High Windows” by esteemed English poet Philip Larkin, the first of three films launching The Josephine Hart Poetry Foundation’s Poetry Movement program which aims “to stand as the next logical step in terms of the way we consume verse.” [Watch]

Ogilvy Paris Perrier Hot Air Balloon | STAH MAGAZINE

Eccentric Effervescence in Perrier’s “Hot Air Balloons”

It’s all-out airborne anarchy in this new :60 for Perrier as Les Télécréateurs directing duo Fleur & Manu team with MPC Paris to launch a wild party in the wild blue thru Ogilvy Paris. [Watch]