VH1 Reveals the Bloody Birth of Heavy Metal

My interest in heavy metal music is minimal but a great story is a great story, especially when the hero overcomes severe, even ironic adversity. So it happened 67 years ago when a Birmingham welder (and future Black Sabbath guitarist) named Anthony Frank “Tony” Iommi lost two fingers to a metal stamping machine. [Watch]

We Are Royale Manifesto

As the design world drowns in demo reels (invariably a string clips cut to music), what can a studio do to punch out of the noise and deliver a clearer picture of who they are? The company manifesto is a good start. Witness this snappy 90-sec romp created by We Are Royale and timed for the launch of their new site [Watch]

Samsung Connected Series | STASH MAGAZINE

Behind the Scenes on GMUNK’s “The Chamber”

Trip backstage with GMUNK and crew for Mr. Munkowitz’ ambitious chapter of The Connected Series sponsored by Samsung; an exploration of the power of technology to re-pattern the way we see ourselves, allowing us to relive the past and embellish the present. [Watch]

Steve Frykholm Herman Miller | Stash Magazine

Herman Miller Picnic Posters by Steve Frykholm

Meet Steve Frykholm who joined Herman Miller in 1970 as their first in-house graphic designer. Charming, unassuming and humble, I find the story of his eccentric company picnic posters, their induction into the Museum of Modern Art and recent reprinting, a refreshing tonic to today’s hard charging design environment. [Watch]

Fred Astaire Steals the Show in Fast Romantics “Julia”

Fred Astaire’s groundbreaking rotating set dance number from the 1951 MGM musical comedy Royal Wedding gets a DIY update in this video for “Julia” by Toronto’s Fast Romantics with frontman and director Matthew Angus handing the VFX. [Watch]

T. S. Eliot “The Wasteland”

Troublemakers director Icecream (aka art director/motion designer Nicolas Dufoure) delivers a dark and brooding version of T. S. Eliot’s “The Wasteland” for the second of three films launching The Josephine Hart Poetry Foundation’s Poetry Movement program. Sound design and music by CypherAudio. [Watch]