Adult Swim_Toonami | STASH MAGAZINE

Toonami turns 20 with Exquisite Corpse on Adult Swim

Adult Swim reinvigorates the exquisite corpse genre with a three-minute avalanche of style and action featuring the talents of 28 animators and centered on TOM 5.0 the current host of Toonami, the channel’s adult animation block. [Watch]


CNN Colorscope “Red”

Barcelona creative director and motion designer Abel Reverter takes on the colour red in the second film from CNN’s Colorscope series, admitting: “The bar was set super high after the amazing job Moth Studio made on the first piece.” [Watch]

School of Life The right words | STASH MAGAZINE

How the Right Words Help Us to Feel the Right Things

Brazilian animator Antonio Vicentini is the latest in a string of intrepid motion talent to tackle a visual interpretation of the wisdom and social insights UK philosopher and The School of Life founder Alain de Botton. [Watch]

This is Virgin Fibre | STASH MAGAZINE

What Really Goes on Inside Virgin Fiber

Turns out life inside a Virgin Media fibre optic connection is just one big rampaging extravaganza of characters and chaos – according to Rogue director Sam Brown and the VFX crew at The Mill in London. [Watch]


Trump vs Public Broadcasting

Vancouver director/animator Eoin Duffy explains his views on the announced cuts to public broadcasting in the US (PBS, NPR, etc.) with this thoughtful visual essay. [Watch]

Moby Lost in the world | STASH MAGAZINE

Moby Asks “Are You Lost In The World Like Me?”

Rendering modern phone-zombie masses in the style of early 1930s cartoons, London director/animator Steve Cutts creates a stark contrast between form and tone in his interpretation of Moby’s ode to the dangers of the always-connected life. [Watch]