Daniel Kessler Interpol Primavera | STASH MAGAZINE

Daniel Kessler’s Favourite Music Memories

The formative musical memories of Interpol lead guitarist Daniel Kessler come to life in a dark and stormy palette via the talents of Nice Shit studio in Barcelona – the latest in a series of shorts for the Primavera Sound festival. [Watch]

Gilbert baker typeface | STASH MAGAZINE

Animated “Gilbert” Typeface Honors Rainbow Flag Creator

To honor the memory of Gilbert Baker, LGBTQ activist, and creator of the now iconic Rainbow Flag, NewFest and NYC Pride partnered with Fontself and Animography to create a free (and free-spirited) animated typeface. [Watch]

Sholto Crow_Martin | STASH MAGAZINE

“Martin” Unleashes Armageddon

A lone detectorist on a beach in Norfolk uncovers much more than he prepared for in “Martin,” a dry, dark comedy animated by London designer/director Sholto Crow who also handled the music and sound design. [Watch]

Suspenders Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Suspenders Studio: “Float” (Trailer)

Ok, so there’s a funny little boat full of pigs dressed in hats and uniforms tearing across this hyper-trippy waterscape hanging onto their fishing rods for dear life because they’ve hooked this massive fish-whale thing… [Watch]

Robot & Scarecrow short film | STASH MAGAZINE

A Very Modern Fairy Tale: “Robot & Scarecrow”

South African VFX house Chocolate Tribe takes the lead in creating the VFX for Kibwe Tavares’ stellar new short film “Robot & Scarecrow” wherein said protagonists navigate the perils and pitfalls of love-struck outsiders. [Watch]


Björk “Notget” VFX Breakdown

Have a look at the intricate and seamlessly integrated CG created by South Africa’s Wicked Pixels for the official music video for Björk’s “Notget” track which follows the VR video released earlier this year. [Watch]