Migros Christmas Finn | STASH MAGAZINE

Kyra & Constanin introduce “Finn” for Migros

The mystery of how supermarket checkout scanners work is finally revealed in this impossibly cute Christmas spot for Swiss supermarket Migros with directors Kyra & Constanin and Passion handling animation duties. [Watch]

Manor The Drawing | STASH MAGAZINE

againstallodds Investigates “The Drawing” for Manor

Passion directors againstallodds return for another holiday epic stuffed with charming characters engaged in a clear and classic narrative, this time for Swiss department store Manor. [Watch]

Supinfocom Legend Crabe Phare | STASH MAGAZINE

The Legend Of The Crabe Phare

A major hit on the festival circuit and winner of Best Student Project at Siggraph, “The Legend Of The Crabe Phare” was created by five talented students at SUPINFOCOM Valenciennes as their graduation film. [Watch]

Jaume Balagueró_Muse | STASH MAGAZINE

“Muse” Main Titles by Fernando Domínguez

Former Prologue designer and Dvein co-founder Fernando Domínguez pulls inspiration from Dante´s Divine Comedy for the spectacular opening title sequence for “Muse,” Jaume Balagueró´s new supernatural thriller. [Watch]

Salvation Army the good fight | STASH MAGAZINE

Moth and Salvation Army “Fight for Good”

Hornet directing team Moth bridges the gap between the Salvation Army’s seasonal Red Kettle street corner stations and the real benefits your donations make in the lives of those less fortunate. [Watch]

La Nuit Je Danse avec la Mort I Danced with Death | STASH MAGAZINE

Vincent Gibaud: “La Nuit Je Danse avec la Mort”

Fresh off a successful festival run, “La Nuit Je Danse avec la Mort” (The Night I Danced with Death) is director Vincent Gibaud’s “psychedelic, violent and liberating” look at the consequences of ingesting substances unknown. [Watch]