Animation studio Nerdo in Turin, Italy weaves a seamless flow of Samurai, Yakuza, koi, horror, and a dragon into the opening for “Far East Festival,” a collection of Asian films running on Italian state broadcaster RAI. [Watch]
Anonymous Content director Grant Singer and The Mill VFX crew keep viewers off kilter by yanking them from one surreal tableau to the next in The Weeknd’s soaring “Call Out My Name.” [Watch]
This delightful trailer for “One Small Step,” the first project from TAIKO Studios, gives us a charming peek at the story of Luna, a Chinese American girl who dreams of becoming an astronaut [Watch]
On October 1, 1992 Turner Broadcasting launched Cartoon Network primarily as an outlet for their recently purchased Hanna-Barbera library. Over the next 25 years the network nurtured scores of new characters and helped redefine pop culture. [Watch]
Ainslie Henderson’s latest film “Stems,” begins with documentary-style insights into the UK writer/director’s design and animation process then evolves into a sweet and playful musical world co-created with composer Poppy Ackroyd. [Watch]
Up until yesterday, Gen Design Studio (based in Braga, Portugal) had somehow eluded the Stash radar. That glaring oversight ended with the arrival of this precise and pristine CG brand film for Crediflux called “Take Back Control.” [Watch]