“Conditioner” Animated Short by Shane Beam
Fresh off the festival circuit, Shane Beam’s animated short film “Conditioner” provides a wonderfully strange and floaty kind of escape for a summer Friday afternoon. [Watch]
Fresh off the festival circuit, Shane Beam’s animated short film “Conditioner” provides a wonderfully strange and floaty kind of escape for a summer Friday afternoon. [Watch]
London motion designer, director, and lecturer Nicola Gastaldi (aka Gasta) merges his talent for GIFs with enigmatic poetry in this graphically striking short film. [Watch]
Meanwhile, back in The Amazing World of Gumball on Cartoon Network, New York 3D artist Julian Glander bestows his signature CG whimsy to this crazed sequence from a season six episode called “The Transformation.” [Watch]
Brooklyn studio MoSoMoS combine their many animation/production talents (including stop motion and motion control) into a delightful promo for NBC’s summer competition series called “Making it” starring Nick Offerman and Amy Poehler. [Watch]
Have a look at how the Mill Design and Emerging Technology teams blurred the borders of motion graphics and design by generating a live title sequence during the 2018 AICP Next Awards. [Watch]
The hard news about demo reels is very few actually accomplish their goal of triggering emotion in viewers. Over the last 14 years Stash has featured only a handful of reels but we believe this new one from LA studio STATE is worth your time. [Watch]