The Mighty Grand Piton short film by The Line | STASH MAGAZINE

Prepare to Meet “The Mighty Grand Piton” by Wesley Louis

The animation crew at The Line in East London help director Wesley Louis explore his family’s Caribbean roots in a rollicking sci-fi adventure centered on Connie, a young British girl, and a mysterious giant robot. [Watch]

Hiroshi Kondo multiverse short film | STASH MAGAZINEa

Behold the Urban “Multiverse” by Hiroshi Kondo

Join Tokyo filmmaker Hiroshi Kondo as he transforms the scooter stampedes of Taipei into a hypnotic journey into the fluid energy and hidden patterns of modern life in Taiwan. [Watch]

Billie Eilish You Should See Me in a Crown music video by Takashi Murakami | STASH MAGAZINE

Billie Eilish “You Should See Me in a Crown” By Takashi Murakami

Takashi Murakami, the multidisciplinary artist best known for his superflat work, casts American singer/songwriter and teen phenom Billie Eilish as an anime majokko (magical girl/princess) in “You Should See Me in a Crown.” [Watch]

Vauxhall Cinderella by Lobo | STASH MAGAZINE

Lobo Run “Cinderella” Backwards for Vauxhall

Director Gabriel Nobrega and the Lobo crew conjure a mix of stop-motion, miniature sets, and CG to flip a fairytale into a riches-to-rags romp while highlighting benefits of the backup camera on the Vauxhall Astra. [Watch]

GUNEE Homme brand video by Maxin Goudin | STASH MAGAZINE

“GUNEE Homme” Brand Video by Thomas Gugel

Euro fashion label GUNEE takes the road less traveled by avoiding product shots in this latest video for their men’s wear line directed and animated by Thomas Gugel, a freelance designer and digital artist based in Cologne, Germany. [Watch]

Maxim Goudin’s Ghost Writer Sequence #1

Mill+ artist Maxim Goudin packs plenty of style and intrigue into “Ghost Writer Sequence #1,” a personal project he describes as a “proof of concept of some sort. Hopefully a teaser to something more interesting.” [Watch]