Best known for his anime series including Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo, director Shinichiro Watanabe brings his multi-genre style to this stranger-in-a-stranger-land video for LA producer/musician/rapper Flying Lotus. [Watch]
UK child protection charity NSPCC continues their string of heartfelt animated brand films with “Tipping the Scales,” an assured and elegant explainer from London design and animation agency Fred & Eric. [Watch]
Dexton Deboree’s new documentary exploring the history of the Nike Air Jordan 1, called “Unbanned – the Legend of AJ1,” opens with this magnetic sequence from Los York partner and the global creative director Shane Griffin. [Watch]
Munich 3D masters Aixsponza mine classical sculpture motifs for inspiration in their latest promo created direct for Nike Global Football and their Mercurial and Phantom Series boots. [Watch]
German director and digital artist Tobias Gremmler expands on his experimental CG motion capture work with a transcendent interpretation of Björk’s body and face for “Tabula Rasa,” a track off her 2017 release Utopia. [Watch]
Back in 2013, Barcelona VFX house Big Lazy Robot released a dystopian CG jaw-dropper called “Keloid.” Their new film, “The Host of the Heavens,” retains all the merciless technology of that effort while ramping up the sci-fi action. [Watch]