Animation director Daniela Sherer in Tel Aviv animates a musical short commissioned for the Adult Swim Smalls series powered by a bitter (yet catchy) little ditty written by David Hughes and performed by Christopher Arrison and Mason Brown. [Watch]
The CG creature crew at Framestore reteam with Rattling Stick director Daniel Kleinman and Arnold Worldwide to create the sophomore adventure for Santander’s porcine hero (watch the first Piggy epic here). [Watch]
From directors Alex Topaller and Daniel Shapiro at Aggresive: “For ‘AI on Intel’ we told five real stories of Intel’s technology in action – from stopping poaching in Africa to powering the world’s first face-controlled wheelchair, in each film we combined tech-inspired CG with cinematic live-action.” [Watch]
Slovenian animator/illustrator Dusan Kastelic’ combines imagery from his own recurring nightmare with a story he’d penned for a comic book years earlier to create a 3D animated mini-masterpiece (and massive festival hit) called “The Box.” [Watch]
Animator/designer Charlie Stewart in London chooses a soft palette, careful compositions, and measured pacing for his animated exploration of “the longevity and limitations of artificial intelligence, and the loneliness of deep space.” [Watch]
Earlier this year, hundreds of digital billboards in Stockholm’s Metro were transformed into the Emotional Art Gallery, a real-time exhibition driven by the sentiment analysis of commuters’ social media. [Watch]