Lots of Love collaborative animated short film | STASH MAGAZINE
Framestore Animates "#WombStories" for Libresse & Bodyform | STASH MAGAZINE

Framestore Animates “#WombStories” for Libresse & Bodyform

This brave mixed-media film directed by Golden Globe-winner Nisha Ganatra and punctuated with animated sequences from Framestore aims to “dispel myths, encourage a positive conversation, and address the life-changing moments in a woman’s life”. [Watch]

Tocatta short film by Optical Arts | STASH MAGAZINE

Gravity and Bach Collide in “Tocatta” by Optical Arts

Following on the success of their recent CG floral experiment, London’s Optical Arts keeps the exploratory spirit alive with this live-action ballet of poetic destruction shot at extremely high speeds (between 1000 and 5000 frames per second). [Watch]

The Rough Cut short film by Coat of Arms | STASH MAGAZINE

Film Premiere: “The Rough Cut” by Coat of Arms

Stash is pleased to present the premiere of a new passion project from Coat of Arms – a lockdown collaboration of 22 team members, The Rough Cut explores “the struggle creatives go through during the process of creation”. [Watch]

Champion Green All Rise | STASH MAGAZINE

Ireland Champions Green in “All Rise” by Brian Williams

Brian Williams (aka Super 68), a director at the recently launched London studio of Ntropic, says creating this new spot to help drive the economic renewal of local Irish communities made him “very homesick but very happy.” [Watch]

Givenchy Antigona by Shane Griffin | STASH MAGAZINE

Givenchy “Antigona Soft” Reveal by Shane Griffin

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of its iconic Antigona handbag, French luxury brand Givenchy commissioned New York artist/director Shane Griffin to unveil the Antigona Soft, a more relaxed version of the original. [Watch]