Creature, a tiny motion and archviz studio in Lyon, France leverages their CG talents into a stylish and compelling promotional video for local company Forginal Industrie, a family-owned manufacturer of precision metal forgings. [Watch]
Back in 2015, O Positive director Jim Jenkins and The Mill created one of our fave commercials of all time: Snickers “Brady Bunch”, and now they’re at it again in this snappy character study for real estate marketplace Zillow. [Watch]
Laundry detergent is not a category often associated with noteworthy design but that prejudice may be changing with this recent work from Buenos Aires motion masters Lumbre and agency 9Rooftops for appliance giant Whirlpool. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, Animation, Brand film, CG, Featured, Motion Design · Tags 9Rooftops, Lumbre, Sergio Saleh, Swash, Whirlpool
Expanding on their landmark 2014 film Walking City, CD Matt Pyke and Universal Everything installed this witty and hypnotic three-minute work for the opening of Hyundai’s Motorstudio in Busan, South Korea. [Watch]
Psyop/Blacklist directing collective CRCR lathers up a flurry of anime-inspired action/comedy in this new Head & Shoulders spot animated by Wizz in Paris thru agency Forsman & Bodenfors Singapore for the Japanese market. [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, Character Animation, Featured · Tags Antfood, Blacklist, CRCR, Forsman & Bodenfors, P&G, Psyop, Red Knuckles, WIZZ
Black humor, celebrity voices, and feature-quality stop-motion all merge into a forceful, emotional, and quietly affecting message from the Humane Society International and their global campaign to ban animal testing for cosmetics. [Watch]