Plastic Pollution Coalition A Love Letter to Plastic Nicolo Bianchino | STASH MAGAZINE

Plastic Pollution Coalition “A Love Letter to Plastic” by Nicolo Bianchino

Breaking off our relationship with single-use plastics won’t be easy but Brooklyn director/animator Nicolo Bianchino takes the first step in this heartfelt brand film for advocacy group Plastic Pollution Coalition. [Watch]

Life 1 Art Film Tendril | STASH MAGAZINE

“Life #1” Art Film and Digital Gallery by Tendril

From the team at Tendril in Toronto: “Simulated life: moving, expanding, regenerating. This collaborative artwork was first displayed in the immersive theatre of AOI/Shoyu’s gallery in the metaverse. [Watch]

Tears For Fears Break The Man Music Video WeWereMonkeys | STASH MAGAZINE

Tears For Fears “Break The Man” Music Video by WeWereMonkeys

WeWereMonkeys, aka the Montreal creative duo of Mihai Wilson and Marcella Moser, give a nod to Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher in their “maze-like world of concrete structures” built for Tears For Fears’ new single “Break The Man”. [Watch]

Motion Design School Frame by Frame Ninja Elias Velho | STASH MAGAZINE

Motion Design School “Frame by Frame Ninja” Promo by Elias Velho

Brazilian cel animator and motion designer Elias Velho lets loose in this punchy promo for his new online Motion Design School course Frame by Frame Ninja that promises to teach you “the hardcore way of animating, one drawing at a time.” [Watch]

Swatch Valentines Day 2022 Bark&Bite | STASH MAGAZINE

Swatch “Valentine’s Day 2022” by Bark&Bite

The latest in a series of vibrant work for Swatch from UK motion studio Bark&Bite hits an effervescent note for the Swiss pop-watch maker’s Valentine’s Day release. [Watch]

Japan Foundation Stage Beyond Borders by Device | STASH MAGAZINE

The Japan Foundation “Stage Beyond Borders” by Device

Working from designs by US designer/animator Louis Wes, Barcelona animation studio Device spins up a fluid showcase of Japanese performing arts for Stage Beyond Borders, a new initiative from The Japan Foundation. [Watch]