Vascolo Sushi Crush short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Kung Fu Meets Ursa Major in New “Sushi Crush” Short Film

We’re guessing the all-Buenos Aires team of animation/design studio Váscolo and Drop Music Branding had a blast making this action-comedy short featuring a legendary Kung Fu master, a very hungry bear, and their shared love of raw fish. [Watch]

Omar Jones RUFFMERCY Denzel Curry SKED Music Video | STASH MAGAZINE

Omar Jones and RUFFMERCY Drop Denzel Curry “SKED” Music Video

Brooklyn visual artist and director Omar Jones teams with the UK’s master of hand-animated chaos RUFFMERCY on this 100-second visual rampage for American rapper Denzel Curry. [Watch]

Temple Cache Chien Mechant Etoile Filante Music Video | STASH MAGAZINE

Temple Caché Unleash Naughty Dogs in “Étoile Filante” Music Video for Chien Méchant

In this new music video for Paris duo Chien Méchant, director Kelzang Ravach leads French studio Temple Caché into an acid-enhanced 80s nightmare, lacing live-action footage with an AI-generated graphic style. [Watch]

Greenpeace Sanctuary Rumpus Animation | STASH MAGAZINE

Rumpus Animation and Greenpeace Help Jane Fonda and Simon Pegg Find “Sanctuary”

From the team at Rumpus Animation in Bristol: “Jane Fonda, Camila Cabello, and Simon Pegg voice our short film Sanctuary designed to motivate supporters and urge governments to ratify the Global Ocean Treaty and protect 30% of the world’s oceans by 2030.” [Watch]

Wilderness_Amazon Studios titles by Huge Designs | STASH MAGAZINE

Huge Designs Enters the “Wilderness” for Amazon Studios

London title specialists Huge Designs, whose many styles of design we’ve covered here, assemble a collage of illustrative and 3D elements into an enigmatic sequence for the British thriller series Wilderness. [Watch]


CCLAB Reveals the Stark Elegance of HUAWEI’s Mate 60 Pro+

With inspiration drawn from a Beijing Opera performance depicting two warriors fighting in the dark, director Zhang Yu and his team at CCLAB combine dynamic motion with a black and white palette in a sleek TVC for HUAWEI’s flagship phone range. [Watch]