Kevin McCrae, CD and Founder at Playdead in Glasgow: “Life Beyond Earth is an immersive film created in collaboration with Skidmore, Owings and Merrell, and the European Space Agency for their powerful new installation at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia.” [Watch]
Category Architecture, Archviz, CG, Explainer, Installation, The Inbox · Tags Box of Toys, European Space Agency, Olaf Blomerus, Playdead, Skidmore Owings & Merrill, Timo Noack
Director/animator Cris Wiegandt and designer/illustrator Bárbara Fonseca in Berlin: “This project was done while we shared studio space and was inspired by a mutual curiosity in what a collaboration between us could result in as well as a need to get outside of comfort zones and expand artistic horizons. [Watch]
Working thru agency Across the Pond, London’s Art&Graft wrangle new AI image simulation software to craft a painterly tour for Google and “inspire a future generation about the incredible potential of quantum computing.” [Watch]
Ordinary Folk founder and CD Jorge R. Canedo E. in Vancouver: “It’s a hard task to capture the heart and soul of a company in under a minute, but when [software makers] Elastic reached out asking us to help kick off their Global All Hands meeting the right way, we banded together with some of […] [Watch]
Stay inspired, discover new talent, and grab insights from the creators behind 31 outstanding design, animation, and VFX projects – all in Stash 147, the latest addition to the Stash Permanent Collection. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, Animation, Architecture, Brand film, Branded Content, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Events, Explainer, Featured, Games, Miniatures, Motion Capture, Motion Design, Music Video, Short Films, Stop Motion, VFX · Tags a52, Anna Mantzaris, Arch Film Studio, ArtFX School, Bewilder, BigStar, Blacklist, Cornelius Joksch, CRCR, Dante Zaballa, Digital Domain, Emanuele Kabu, Fabien Gibert, Florent Bizec, François Brugalières, Frederic Colin, James van den Elshout, Jonathan Bacheter, ManvsMachine, Media.Work, Mehdi Hadi, Mondlicht Studios, MPC, Nils Lemonnier, Oddfellows, Osian Efnisien, Passion Animation, Petrick, Platige, Platige Image,, Psyop, Six N. Five, SUPERFLY, Taehoon Park, Tendril, The Mill, TONIC DNA, Unsaid Studio, Untold Studios, Valentin Soulard, VantageFilms, WIZZ, Yan Weitlauff
The latest non-stop CG flight directly over the uncanny valley lands with conviction in a British bathtub with Albert Einstein carefully crafted by the VFX crew at The Mill in concert with veteran MJZ director Rocky Morton. [Watch]
Category Advertising, CG, Character Animation, Explainer, Featured, VFX · Tags 750mph, Alex Hammond, AMV BBDO, Gravity Road, Henry Littlechild, MJZ, PHD, Rocky Morton, Smart Energy GB, The Mill, Wave