Stash 133 preview trailer | STASH MAGAZINE
Block & Tackle demo 2019 motion design | STASH MAGAZINE

Block & Tackle’s New 7-Minute Reel

Longtime Stash fans know demo reels don’t get much love on this site (we’ve published a handful in 14 years). But once in a long while, one hits the inbox and makes you question what a compilation of work can and should do. [Watch]

Stash 130 trailer | STASH MAGAZINE
STATE Understated short film demo reel | STASH MAGAZINE

“Understated” by STATE

The hard news about demo reels is very few actually accomplish their goal of triggering emotion in viewers. Over the last 14 years Stash has featured only a handful of reels but we believe this new one from LA studio STATE is worth your time. [Watch]

Imaginary Forces demo Reel

Imaginary Forces: 17 Years Later

Demo reels serve as the primary sales tool for studios, but they also act as unintentional time capsules reflecting the tastes and attitudes of the company, their clients, and the audiences they target. [Watch]


DixonBaxi: 15 Years Young

Running a successful design business for a decade and a half is beyond tough. Keeping your creative output intriguing and meaningful while you do it is a balancing act few studios master. Meanwhile in London, 15 years after their launch, branding and motion house DixonBaxi seem to be just getting underway. [Watch]