Perfectly timed to nudge you into spring fully inspired, Stash 170 packs another two hours of extraordinary motion design, animation, and VFX into the Stash Permanent Collection. Take a peek at the two-minute preview. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, AI, Animation, Brand film, Branding, Broadcast Design, BTS, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Compositing, Explainer, Feature Film, Featured, Games, Graphic Design, Illustration, Motion Design, Short Films, Spec work, Titles, Typography, VFX · Tags, Aleem Hossain, Already Been Chewed, buck, Builders Club, Chez Eddy, Cobb, Danbi Kwak, Diogo Kalil, DissEmbargo, Flatwhite Motion, Floating Point Art, FutureDeluxe, Hello Savants, Jelly London, Jonas Nunes, Kimathi Flavien, le truc, Lobo, Mateus de Paula Santos, Mr Kaplin, nerdo, NotReal, Petrick, Pleix, Raj Davsi, ROOF, SAES Design House, TACTYC, Tantrum, Tavo Studio, Tendril, The Mill, Tiago Marcondes, Tomorrow Bureau, Untold Studios
Recharge your summer with a peek at the brilliant design, animation, and VFX work included in Stash 160 – the latest must-see addition to the ever-expanding Stash Permanent Collection. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, Animation, Brand film, Broadcast Design, BTS, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Compositing, Explainer, Featured, Games, Motion Design, Music Video, R&D, Short Films, Simulation, Titles, Typography, VFX · Tags 3dar, Alaska, Alessandro Pacciani, Antibody, Buda, Chez Eddy, Creative Studio, Cub Studio, Federico Heller, Fern, filipe carvalho, Fraser Davidson, Fullmetal, George Moïse, India Barnardo, Jonathan Formento, Kevin, Lucas Durkheim, Mat&Fab, Mathematic, Media.Work, Michel Naufal, Monkeys, Motif Studios, Panoply, Patrick Clair, Petrick, Platige, Platige Image, PLAYER II, Please Call Me Champ, PULK, Raoul Marks, Red Knuckles, ROOF, Ross Sneddon, Sekani Solomon, SILLY HORSE, Super Dope, The Mill, Trajectoire Studio, weareseventeen, Wednesday, Zachary Corzine
Carefully curated archival footage combined with consummate Flame work from the team at Prodigious makes the case that women’s soccer is just as exciting as the male brand in this powerful demo of gender bias in sports. [Watch]
Director Leigh Powis and the VFX crew at Mathematic in Paris ensure sportswear company HOKA lives up to its name (derived from the Māori for “fly over the earth”) in this dizzying airborne adventure thru Anomaly. [Watch]
Stash 154 just packed another two hours of brilliance into the Stash Permanent Collection (aka your streaming platform for design, animation, and VFX). Grab a peek at the 2-minute trailer and see which projects made the cut. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, AI, Animation, Brand film, Broadcast Design, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Compositing, Explainer, Featured, Games, Generative, Graphic Design, Illustration, Machine Learning, Motion Capture, Motion Design, Music Video, Short Films, Student Work, Titles, Typography, VFX, Zoetrope · Tags Alisha Liu, Ambient Press, Beetroot Design, BlinkMyBrain, Brume, Brunch Studio, Chez Eddy, Chiu, Colossal, Division, Electric Theatre Collective, Elefante, Erin Sarofsky, Framestore, Francois Rousselet, Ginny Jones, Glassworks, Henrique Bueno, Igor Sordokhonov, Imaginary Forces, Impactist, Jake Wegesin, Joris Bacquet, Kim Taylor, Ksawery Kirklewski, ManvsMachine, Media.Work, Nexus Studios, okean, Panoply, Persistent Peril, Psyop, Robert Sethi, Ronnie Koff, Sarofsky, Simon Robson, Smith & Foulkes, SOMEI, Stéphane Berla, Temple Caché, Tendril, The Mill, The Panics, Tomas Jonsgarden, Tosh Kodama, Wonderlust, WOUQ
From the team at Bliss animation studio in Barcelona: “Los Borbones: Una Familia Real is a documentary series about the history of the Spanish royal family created by the renowned journalist Ana Pastor and screenwriter Aitor Gabilondo. [Watch]