Cornel Swoboda | STASH MAGAZINE

Cornel Swoboda “And Then I Vanish”

New on the Stash radar: Cornel Swoboda, a digital artist from Munich, Germany, living in Melbourne, Australia who spends a goodly amount of his time developing personal projects like this haunting short called “And Then I Vanish.” [Watch]

Julian Frost Bananas | STASH MAGAZINE

Julian Frost “Bananas” Short Film

Melbourne director/illustrator/game-maker Julian Frost (aka the “Dumb Ways to Die” guy), just released this nutritious 2D animated confection called “Bananas” which we think pairs rather nicely with this 3D confection called “Bananas” by Xander Marritt and Elias Freiberger at FutureDeluxe. [Watch]

Armstrong White | STASH MAGAZINE

Armstrong White: “Welcome to Our World”

Think about high-end CG work and the Detroit suburbs probably don’t jump to mind, but over the last 20 years Armstrong White has evolved from a retouching service into a 3D force of nature for some of the planet’s biggest brands. [Watch]

Mother Russia Bleeds Trailer | STASH MAGAZINE

CRCR: Mother Russia Bleeds Trailer

If you pine for the glory days of blood-soaked side-scrolling brawler games, Mother Russia Bleeds from indie Paris developer Le Cartel may be your thing. Either way, French directing collective CRCR has fun packing this trailer with plenty of atmosphere as well as the old ultra-violence. [Watch]

The Animation Workshop |STASH MAGAZINE

That’s Cool: Saving the Rainforest is Not Just for Hippies

Stellar character design and animation in this commercial project assignment produced in 17 weeks by a team of second year animation students at The Animation Workshop in Viborg, Denmark for the Danish NGO Verdens Skove (“Forests of the World”). [Watch]

Pfizer Friendless Fairytales | STASH MAGAZINE

McBess & Simon Spin “Friendless Fairytales” for Pfizer

Working through the Melbourne studio of Passion Pictures, London-based directing duo McBess & Simon apply their cheeky animation stylings to an online series of cheery yet sardonic “Friendless Fairytales” for Pfizer thru Sydney agency WiTH Collective. [Watch]