The Powerful Voice of an “Outsider”

Tamil rapper Sofia Ashraf’s heartfelt word flow takes on added weight as veteran Indian actress Ratna Pathak Shah gives them a powerful voice in this PSA addressing domestic violence faced by South Asian women in the US.

Oddfellows_Piaggio Fast Forward | STASH MAGAZINE

Oddfellows: PFF “Autonomy For Humans”

Oddfellows: “The robots are coming! And by robots we mean nimble, autonomous sidekicks able to carry all the things. [Watch]

Nissan Rogue Return of the snowmen | STASH MAGAZINE

Behind the Scenes: Nissan “Return of the Snowmen”

Because the blizzard burying New York this morning just isn’t enough snow, let’s dig into the frosty VFX created by The Embassy – in the middle of summer – for this Nissan Rogue spot directed by Cedric Nicolas-Troyan (The Huntsman: Winter’s War). [Watch]


Fast and Funny: BBC “Every Element of Wonder”

Frenetic new promo directed by FLINK in Hamburg through Y&R London ties together 39 BBC learning titles across TV, radio, digital and social media platforms into 50 seconds of smiles powered by an adaptation of Tom Lehrer’s 1959 ditty “The Elements.” [Watch]

Aeon_Sarte Camus | STASH MAGAZINE

Feud of the Century: “Sartre vs Camus”

In post-WWII Paris, rival existentialists Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus were also close friends and celebrities. But in 1952 their disparate world views blew up into “the philosophical feud of the century.” [Watch]

Felix Sputnik_animation | STASH MAGAZINE

Felix Sputnik: the Secrets of Quadruped Locomotion

Felix Sputnik (aka Michael Schlingmann), a multi-award winning German animator/illustrator living in London, shares his deep insights into the challenges of animating four-legged creatures in this charming and easy to follow tutorial. [Watch]