Ivan Zachariás urboTax | STASH MAGAZINE

The Mill and Ivan Zacharias Put Humpty Back Together

Your childhood memories of Humpty Dumpty just got a whole lot gooier courtesy of this pre-Super Bowl spot for TurboTax from Smuggler director Ivan Zacharias with VFX work from The Mill thru Wieden + Kennedy Portland. [Watch]

Watch the Stash 121 Preview!

Here’s a little counter-programming for inauguration day 2017, a snappy two-minute peek at the 31 new animation, VFX and design projects included in Stash 121 and now part of the Stash Permanent Collection. [Watch]

Fipphen_Fired Up Ready to Go | STASH MAGAZINE

Getting “Fired Up” and Saying Goodbye

With President Obama leaving office this week, we wanted to publish a piece that captured some of the eloquence, charm, and narrative ability he brought to the hardest job in the world. [Watch]

Selfridges Material world | STASH MAGAZINE

Strange Beast: Selfridges “Material World”

Freshly-signed Strange Beast director Anna Ginsburg explores sustainability issues in the fashion world with this inviting and inventive 2D brand film based on illustrations by Sara Andreasson for UK luxury department store Selfridges. [Watch]

Axel Digoix_Tinariwen | STASH MAGAZINE

Axel Digoix: Tinariwen “Tenere Taqqal”

Paris VFX/animation and sound design studio Pilule & Pigeon teams with French animator/director Axel Digoix (“Despicable Me 2”, “The Little Prince”) for a melancholy but beautifully drafted music video called “Tenere Taqqal” by Grammy-winning Saharan band Tinariwen. [Watch]

Sam Brown_Waitrose Coming home | STASH MAGAZINE

Sam Brown and The Mill: Waitrose “Coming Home”

In the rush of 2016 holiday spots you may have missed this one (we did): the migratory adventures of an intrepid Scandinavian Robin brought to life in impeckable feathery detail by Rogue director Sam Brown and the VFX crew at The Mill in London. [Watch]