London animation studio Animade: “This studio project is a celebration of music, experimentation and of course, robots! “The animation is based on a band of talented robots performing their catchy hit, Robot_Song_03.mp3. We had great fun making this 3D piece and the process involved many layers, with a few twists and turns along the way. […] [Watch]
Animator, director, and artist Ollie Magee in Bristol, England: “A falling man finds peace in his fate as a he learns to let go of emotion, sensation and his physical body. His impact on the city and people below is felt if only for a brief moment.” [Watch]
Oats Studios (Neill Blomkamp’s new experimental filmmaking venture) just released “Kapture: Fluke,” an all-CG short with the look and feel of a 2010 game cinematic powered by what Blomkamp calls “a very macabre sense of humor.” [Watch]
The Cobb Studio crew in Seoul, South Korea ignore all the tired tropes that dog TV drama and bust out a cast of geo-minimalist characters in these effervescent on-air brand IDs for SkyDrama. [Watch]
The Framestore Film team in London and Integrated Advertising team in Los Angeles extend the studio’s big screen experience with the Hulk into director Jonathan Gurvit’s slammin’ new “Renault KWID” spot. [Watch]
JP Rooney: “Sadly, not all designs are loved by a client. Fortunately for this character lineup, I didn’t want to see them simply die – so the original 2D designs got remixed into a 3D rendition as they await the NYC subway.” Design/animation: JP Rooney [Watch]