Pictoplasma NYC 2017 | STASH MAGAZINE

Pictoplasma Characters Invade NYC November 17

Time to grab your tickets for Pictoplasma NYC, (the mother of all character design festivals) returning to Manhattan November 17 with a killer line up of artists plus the Characters in Motion animation screening. [Watch]

Sebastian Baptista_Waze Carpool | STASH MAGAZINE

Time to “Carpool” with Waze

Fun mixed media romp from NOMINT director Sebastian Baptista spreading the word about the Waze Carpool app and its mission to unclog roads, cut commuting costs and reduce emissions. [Watch]

Jackie Green Good Advice | STASH MAGAZINE

Bill Plympton has “Good Advice” for Jackie Greene

New York’s own Oscar-nominated indie animation legend Bill Plympton brings his signature brand of twisted hand-drawn fun to “Good Advice” from former Black Crowe Jackie Greene. [Watch]

Qais Sarhan- The ‘Me’ Generation | STASH MAGAZINE

A Few Thoughts on the ‘Me’ Generation by Bo Burnham

UK motion designer Qais Sarhan: “I watched Bo Burnham’s ‘Make Happy’ special and really enjoyed it! I decided to animate a clip from his poetic rant about our obsession with constantly sharing our lives on social media.” [Watch]

Mighty Nice Happy Halloween | STASH MAGAZINE

Have a Mighty Nice Halloween

A fresh bit of Halloween fun from director Darren Price and the crew at Mighty Nice in Sydney, Australia, with Rumble Studios handling sound design. [Watch]

Mercedez Benz X Class Follow | STASH MAGAZINE

Mercedes X-Class “Follow” Making Of

Hamburg VFX powerhouse Infected reveals the immense amount of love, sweat and fur they put into the making of this spectacular mini-epic for the new Mercedes X-Class luxury pickup. [Watch]