Holden Sevens | STASH MAGAZINE

Buck and AJF Melbourne are Holden Sevens

Buck perks up a retail ad for Australian car company Holden: “It’s no secret 7 that we were in 7th heaven working on this spot all about the magnificent 7 in all of it’s forms.” [Watch]

Ted-ed Why incompetent people | STASH MAGAZINE

“Why Incompetent People Think They’re Amazing” by Wednesday Studio

Wednesday Studio co-founders Daniela Negrín Ochoa and Iria López in London: “TED-Ed commissioned us to make a video to accompany their lesson about “The Dunning Kruger effect” by Mr David Dunning. [Watch]

Supinfocom Legend Crabe Phare | STASH MAGAZINE

The Legend Of The Crabe Phare

A major hit on the festival circuit and winner of Best Student Project at Siggraph, “The Legend Of The Crabe Phare” was created by five talented students at SUPINFOCOM Valenciennes as their graduation film. [Watch]

Salvation Army the good fight | STASH MAGAZINE

Moth and Salvation Army “Fight for Good”

Hornet directing team Moth bridges the gap between the Salvation Army’s seasonal Red Kettle street corner stations and the real benefits your donations make in the lives of those less fortunate. [Watch]

La Nuit Je Danse avec la Mort I Danced with Death | STASH MAGAZINE

Vincent Gibaud: “La Nuit Je Danse avec la Mort”

Fresh off a successful festival run, “La Nuit Je Danse avec la Mort” (The Night I Danced with Death) is director Vincent Gibaud’s “psychedelic, violent and liberating” look at the consequences of ingesting substances unknown. [Watch]

re:scam.org animated video | STASH MAGAZINE

Next Time You Get a Scam Email, Forward it Here…

“I’m Re:scam. Netsafe built me as a new weapon in the fight against the billion-dollar email scam industry. [Watch]