Viasat World_Epic Drama | STASH MAGAZINE

Launch IDs for Epic Drama Channel by weareseventeen

Striking and moody IDs for Epic Drama, Viasat World’s new 24/7 period drama channel, arrive courtesy of creative director Steve Simmonds and the crew at weareseventeen in London. [Watch]

Starting from Zero Fundación Secretariado Gitano | STASH MAGAZINE

Low Budget but a Good Cause: “Starting From Zero”

Madrid studio User T38 and director Carlos Salgado impart a rich and somber illustrative style on this touching and hope-filled brand film for Spanish NGO Fundación Secretariado Gitano (Gypsy Secretariat Foundation). [Watch]


Joe Bichard Animates “The Myth of Responsibility” for the RSA

Raoul Martinez on The Myth of Responsibility for the RSA [Watch]

YK animation Coyote short film | STASH MAGAZINE

YK Animation Teases “Coyote”

The trick of a good short film trailer is to make the viewer ask questions: How does this story end? Who created it? When will it be released? And in the case of “Coyote” – by YK Animation Studio in Bern Switzerland – simply WTF? [Watch]

Method and Mark Romanek: Justin Timberlake “Filthy”

“Filthy,” the first video off Justin Timberlake’s new album Man of the Woods, showcases a dancing CG robot created by Method Studios from motion and facial performance capture of Timberlake himself. [Watch]


Le Cube Spends a “Year With Uber”

A fluid and vibrant trip thru 2017 with the worlds largest (and most controversial) ride hailing company, “Year With Uber” showcases the character work coming out of design/motion studio Le Cube. [Watch]