Acclaimed Japanese filmmaker Takashi Yamazaki, who just took home the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects for Godzilla Minus One, introduces a new kaiju named Foodlosslla in this spot for Japanese food and biotech brand Ajinomoto. [Watch]
CG veteran Pierrick Picaut, who currently heads up the character department at French indie game studio Atypique, released this fabulous two-minute animated rampage to rally interest in his latest Blender rigging course. [Watch]
Dublin agency Third Mind teams with South African animation studio Pocket on a dark and dramatic spot evoking a rough woodblock aesthetic for Forged Irish Stout, the beverage brand owned by MMA star Conor McGregor. [Watch]
The Stash Permanent Collection, aka the planet’s only streaming platform dedicated to exceptional motion design, animation, and VFX, just added another two hours of inspiration and insight with issue 164. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, AI, Animation, Brand film, Broadcast Design, BTS, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Explainer, Featured, Games, Glitch, Illustration, Motion Design, Music Video, Realtime, Short Films, Stop Motion, Titles, VFX · Tags Alan Williams, BluBlu, César Luton, Chemistry, Clim Studio, Danae Gosset, Ditroit, Duncan Elms, Eddy, Elastic, Filmograph, Final Frontier, Floating Point Art, Found Studio, Hideki Inaba, HouHou, Imaginary Forces, Media.Work, MinimalChat, Panoply, Pencil Studio, Pulla Studio, Rideview, Rocketpanda, Serial Cut, Six N. Five, SOMEI, TACTYC, Tavo Studio, Tektura Studio, Tendril, The Mill, tigrelab, Vadim Epstein, Zeppelin, Zombie Studio
With a light touch and a massive cast of 3D and 2D characters, London prodco NOMINT and Italian animation studio Rocketpanda make the case that Discord is dedicated to building a safer place for teens to hang online. [Watch]
Lead by Mill+ director Tim Fox, The Mill’s London and Paris animation teams craft Coca-Cola’s first ever spot celebrating Ramadan, the holy month of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community observed by Muslims worldwide. [Watch]