Scouting For Girls Let's Not Go Away by Blue Zoo | STASH MAGAZINE

Scouting for Girls “Let’s Not Go Away” by Blue Zoo

This year’s inhouse holiday short from London’s Blue Zoo and first-time director Katie Gascoyne is a sweet and all-too-true film disguised as a video for “Let’s Not Go Away,” the Christmas single from English indie band Scouting for Girls. [Watch]


Random Nasty Weather but a Breezy Commute

Cincinnati agency Empower takes a rap-fueled poke at the downsides of their Big Apple competitors while hawking the many benefits of their hometown in this fun promo from the all-Buenos Aires team of Hola Bosque and 4HUMANS. [Watch]

Ciclope Festival Berlin 2019 titles | STASH MAGAZINE

Coming of Age at the Ciclope Festival Berlin

The 2019 Berlin edition of the CICLOPE Festival opened with Final Frontier and Le Cube’s semi-autobiographical journey back to the 80s and 90s “fondly recalling days in the city, skating, sketching tattoos, and exploring self expression.” [Watch]

Erste Christmas Ad 2019 Beelievers | STASH MAGAZINE

Learning to Fly with #HannaBumblebee

After opening the holiday tear faucet last year with Henry Hedgehog’s “First Christmas” (Stash 133), Passion Animation directors Kyra & Constantin are back with another fuzzy and lovable CG cast for Erste Group Bank thru agency Jung von Matt/DONAU. [Watch]

Six Kinetic Characters by Lucas Zanotto | STASH MAGAZINE

The Minimalist Charm of Lucas Zanotto’s Kinetic Characters

Born in Northern Italy and now based in Helsinki, Finland, Lucas Zanotto started out as a product designer before moving into motion design, directing, building zany apps for kids, and most recently CG character loops. [Watch]

Chick-Fil-A “The Time Shop” commercial | STASH MAGAZINE

Marie Hyon Stops by “The Time Shop” for Chick-Fil-A

Hot on the heels of Todd Mueller and Kylie Matulick’s holiday spectacular for Aldi, fellow Psyopian Marie Hyon crafts a heart-warmer for Chick-Fil-A thru McCann in support of more “together time” for families everywhere. [Watch]