Directors Seth Worley and Zac Dixon at IV Studio in Nashville, TN: “The Carrier is an animated mystery drama series created by Zac Dixon and Seth Worley, starring Emmy-winner Tony Hale. It follows the only postal worker in a remote Alaskan town where mailmen have been disappearing for decades. [Watch]
The master puppet team of maker Andy Ghent and animator Andy Biddle join Biscuit director Jeff Low to reprise the stop-motion charm of Mr. Swan and his undentable ego for Ogilvy and Sipsmith Gin’s partnership with Wimbledon. [Watch]
Created as both a short film and a VR exhibition, director/animator/illustrator Sofia Pashaei describes her personal project Mother’s Milk as an investigation of the perception of womanhood. [Watch]
Buenos Aires studio Buda: “When we started our career, Psyop’s influence made us what we are as a studio, (a 6-armed duck-crocodile, of course) and now we can proudly say that we are part of that egg and the incredible roster of directors at Psyop.” [Watch]
Creative director Jeremy Dimmock at Polyester Studio in Toronto: “Working with Animal Alliance we crafted a spot to shed light on a new bill passed by the Ford Government in Ontario to conceal unacceptable conditions at farms, workplaces, and agri-businesses.” [Watch]
Directors Isabela Littger, Nando Cohen, and a massive Brazilian crew at LOBO conjure a stirring action tale of foes and family for Free Fire Vengeance, an in-game event for the fans of Garena’s battle royale game on Android and iOS. [Watch]