WET animated short film Ecole des Nouvelles Images | STASH MAGAZINE

Steamy, Slippery, and Sweaty Student Film “WET”

After winning a shelf-full of awards on the festival circuit, École des Nouvelles Images students Marianne Bergeonneau, Lauriane Montpert, Mélina Mandon, Cloé Peyrebrune, and Elvira Taussac have released their romantic fantasy WET online. [Watch]

PROWL Peel Chair by Dada Projects | STASH MAGAZINE

Dada Projects Explores PROWL Studio’s Peel Hemp Chair

London 3D animation studio Dada Projects (also responsible for this ambitious Rimowa film) visualizes the materials, processes, and life cycle of the Peel Hemp Chair from California studio PROWL. [Watch]

MAKE Mechsplorers episode 1 Hippobotomus | STASH MAGAZINE

MAKE Launches “Mechsplorers” IP With “Hippobotomus”

Focused on expanding beyond their brand-driven design and animation work, the team at MAKE in Minneapolis are developing original IPs including this promising kids’ series called Mechsplorers. [Watch]

Volvo Safety in Mind billboards Media.Work and AKQA | STASH MAGAZINE

Media.Work and AKQA Ponder the Power of Emotions on Driving in Volvo Motion Billboards

From the team at Media.Work: “Redefining the importance of safety and emotions for the entire automotive industry, Volvo created a new vision strategy as a part of the company’s global rebranding. [Watch]

FITC Toronto 2023 Titles by Worship | STASH MAGAZINE

Worship and Cypher Open FITC Toronto 2023

The 2023 edition of creative tech fest FITC hit Toronto this week with these glitchy and dramatic titles by local studios Worship (visuals) and Cypher (audio) opening the outstanding two-day slate of speakers, panels, and workshops. [Watch]

Art-of-Ping-Pong-Barry-Chapman | STASH-MAGAZINE5

Welcome to the Art of Ping Pong

London motion designer Barry Chapman: “Art of Ping Pong is a really cool and innovative UK company who are fusing art with functional design to create a wide range of playful, vibrant, and beautiful products. [Watch]