Destiny 2 Destiny 2 – Official Live Action Trailer – New Legends Will Rise | STASH MAGAZINE

Destiny 2 “New Legends Will Rise” Live Action Trailer

Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts and the Framestore VFX team lubricate this massive new trailer for Destiny 2 with just enough smart-ass comedy to attract new players while keeping hardcore fans firmly in hand. [Watch]

The Evolution of the Ugly Project

The expansion of the so-bad-it’s-good 3D sub-genre continues unabated with the latest addition to Redbear Easterman and Nikita Diakur’s Ugly Project – 50 seconds of spasmodic, busted, and ultimately smile-worthy dancing in a parking lot. [Watch]

Rodrigo Miguel_Locomotion Festival | STASH MAGAZINE

Numecaniq Animates Locomoción Festival Open “Dimensional Warriors”

Opening for the Locomoción Festival in Mexico City celebrating experimental animation. [Watch]


The Gorburger Show Graphics Montage

Since the launch of The Gorburger Show on Comedy Central in April 2017, partners John Cranston and Ryan McNeely and their crew at Los Angeles creative house Visual Creatures have slathered the erratic talk/variety show in a delightful array of cheeseball-flavored maximalist graphics. [Watch]

Finlandia Flavours | STASH MAGAZINE

Pete Candeland Captures “Finlandia Flavours”

Succulent and surreal CG work from Electric Theatre Collective elevates director Pete Candeland’s new work for Finlandia Vodka above and beyond the call for Wieden+Kennedy. [Watch]

MegaComputeur_Play-off Short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Watch “Play-Off” by MegaComputeur and Passion London

“‘Play-Off’ is a short film made in four weeks at Passion Animation Studio London, during our summer internship. A special thanks to Nina, Kate, Jason, Nia and Colin.” [Watch]