ASN Bank Groene Bedoelingen by Ambassadors | STASH MAGAZINE

Ambassadors Animate ASN Bank’s Good Intentions With a New Cast of Creatures

In their latest animation for ASN Bank, the crew at Ambassadors in Amsterdam continue to create quirky and compelling characters but update the production pipeline to include fully 3D environments and real-time rendering. [Watch]

Hublot Integrated Tourbillon Full Carbon by Ditroit | STASH MAGAZINE

Ditroit Gets Deep Into the Details of Hublot’s Integrated Tourbillon Full Carbon

In their latest collaboration with Swiss luxury watch brand Hublot, CD Salvatore Giuntathe and the motion crew at Ditroit in Milan embrace their 3D design and rendering OCD and crank the hyper-detail dial up to 11. [Watch]

Heat Wave Visual MX250 Goggles Launch Film by Inertia Studios | STASH MAGAZINE

The Dust Refuses to Settle in Inertia’s New Launch Film for Heat Wave Visual

Director Thomas Valente and the design and animation team at Inertia Studios in London (who made the Best of Stash 2023 with their Helfare spot) brave a serious dust storm in this launch film for Heat Wave Visual’s MX250 goggles. [Watch]

Collision Awards 2024 | STASH MAGAZINE

The Collision Awards Set to Honor All Forms of Animation and Motion Design

The Stash crew are proud to be founding partners of the Collision Awards, the first honors to recognize animation and motion design excellence in all its forms. Call for entries is now open. Early entry deadline is March 8th, 2024. [Watch]

Rocketpanda Brand Film for Mectron | STASH MAGAZINE

Rocketpanda Eases Dental Distress With Dino Comedy

Using 2D animated frames to guide the motion of their 3D characters, the Rocketpanda crew in Verona, Italy, make a light-hearted but fully convincing case to no longer fear the dentist for dental device brand Mectron. [Watch]

Floating Point Art Origin Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Floating Point Art Release “Origin” Short Film

Director Jie Liou and the team at Floating Point Art in Taipei, Taiwan, just landed on the Stash radar with the release of the studio’s first short film, a precise and expansive CG ode to convergence called Origin. [Watch]