Animation director Shawn Wang, who first grabbed our attention with his 2016 student film Planet Unknown, leads the Digital Domain Shanghai crew on this dramatic crossbreeding of games Arknights and Rainbow Six: Siege. [Watch]
Brighton film director, animator, and VFX artist Jeb Hardwick teams with Budapest animation studio Umbrella for a gritty and apocalyptic take on “Meteor” by British metalcore band Architects. [Watch]
2grey studio in Seoul, South Korea just swerved onto the Stash radar with a series of tastefully upbeat films highlighting various features of the IONIQ5, Hyundai’s new all-electric compact crossover electric vehicle. [Watch]
Radugadesign studio in Moscow: “In collaboration with Output platform, we created multimedia LED content with a naked eye 3D effect to display on the Wangfujing public screen in Beijing. [Watch]
As digital assets continue to gain credence as investments, buying and selling virtual real estate on a 1:1 scale version of the planet was inevitable. In this film, NYC’s Unsaid Studio helps the inhabitants of Earth understand Earth 2. [Watch]
Creative director/designer Matthias Winckelmann in Berlin: “Together with the team at foam Studio, Helge Kiehl and I created multiple films to introduce new features for Microsoft on social media. [Watch]