The all-Taiwan team of director/designer Audis Huang and Moonshine Animation hammered away for six weeks on this sleek and sweeping film featured during the launch event for Lenovo’s Legion gaming PCs and laptops. [Watch]
IC-United Studios in Beijing merge digital fashion, mocap dance, and dream-induced environments into a surreal and somewhat disorienting CG short film for Nowness, called PATTERN. [Watch]
Toiling out of studios in Moscow and London, the team at Media.Work take a break from their commercial assignments to flex their experimental ambitions in this sculptural CG exploration of computing processes. [Watch]
Creature, a tiny motion and archviz studio in Lyon, France leverages their CG talents into a stylish and compelling promotional video for local company Forginal Industrie, a family-owned manufacturer of precision metal forgings. [Watch]
Laundry detergent is not a category often associated with noteworthy design but that prejudice may be changing with this recent work from Buenos Aires motion masters Lumbre and agency 9Rooftops for appliance giant Whirlpool. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, Animation, Brand film, CG, Featured, Motion Design · Tags 9Rooftops, Lumbre, Sergio Saleh, Swash, Whirlpool
Laura Heath and Eddy Herringson at See Gee motion graphics studio in Sydney, Australia: “When a lockdown pushes crime down, what’s a hero in a half shell to do?” [Watch]