Doritos “Dia De Los Muertos” by Zombie Studio and Final Frontier

Released as part of Doritos’ #PrideAllYear campaign, this animated heartwarmer from director Paulo Garcia at Zombie Studio in São Paulo reveals a family secret that Alberto, a beloved brother and uncle, has taken to the afterlife. [Watch]

POEM Short Film Hiroshi Takagishi WOW | STASH MAGAZINE

“POEM” Short Film by Hiroshi Takagishi and WOW

Director/designer Hiroshi Takagishi at WOW in Tokyo: “After seeing ancient Jomon pottery with my own eyes, I could imagine (from the unique protrusions and patterns) the scenery, appearance, and movement of living things, the sounds, and their textures.” [Watch]

Free Fire To The MAX Passion Paris | STASH MAGAZINE

Free Fire “To The MAX” by Jack Antoine Charlot and Valère Amirault

Directors Jack Antoine Charlot and Valère Amirault lead the Passion Paris and Kombbo animation teams on a post-apocalyptic joy-ride through Garena’s Free Fire Max mobile game – fueled by the flow of rappers Joznez and Nyemiah Supreme. [Watch]

Arkadiy Demchenko Trailer Relicts | STASH MAGAZINE

Arkadiy Demchenko Releases Full Trailer for CG Short Film “Relicts”

Director/CG artist Arkadiy Demchenko in Moscow: “‘Relicts’ is an animated horror short movie set in a remote village lost somewhere deep in primeval winter woods.” [Watch]

Polyester Studio Ford Smoothie | STASH MAGAZINE

Polyester Studio Serves Up Ford Smoothies

From the team at Polyester Studio in Toronto: “Animating Ford’s commitment to sustainability by showing how the natural materials that go into Ford vehicles can be turned into a smoothie.” [Watch]

Iota-Piotr-Rudkowski-Michael-Zawół | STASH MAGAZINE

“Iota” Spec Product Film by Piotr Rudkowski and Michael Zawol

Director/designer Piotr Rudkowski in Warsaw, Poland:”‘Iota’ is a personal project with the creative exploration of different worlds from nature and technology, set together. It all started from finding a way to connect these two concepts and ended in fully merging them into one integrated notion. [Watch]