Omega Speedmaster Builders Club | STASH MAGAZINE

Omega “Speedmaster” Launch Film by Builders Club (Director’s Cut)

From the team at Builders Club in London: “Omega brought us onboard for the launch of the Omega Chronoscope. The new face of the Speedmaster family, the Chronoscope watch is a ‘device used to accurately determine the duration of a phenomenon’. [Watch]

The Last Pilot Short Film Ross Sneddon | STASH MAGAZINE

“The Last Pilot” Short Film by Ross Sneddon

Ross Sneddon (aka, lead motion designer at Revenant in Glasgow) just dropped us his latest personal film that he describes as a “bleak and familiar future, where instead of tackling world issues, we turn a blind eye and hide away entirely.” [Watch]

Les Dieux Changeants Short Film Lucio Arese | STASH MAGAZINE

“Les Dieux Changeants” Short Film by Lucio Arese

A big hit on the festival circuit, “Les Dieux Changeants” (The Changing Gods) by Italian artist/director/composer Lucio Arese weaves Chopin and the destruction of beautifully lit classical statues into three minutes of CG poetry. [Watch]

Pleid St Vlisco Garden | STASH MAGAZINE

Pleid St. Invites You Into the Vlisco Garden

Madrid CG design studio Pleid St. fashions a series of three intensely intricate brand films for venerable Dutch fabric company Vlisco, whose products have been inspired by Africa since 1846. [Watch]

IGA The Trophy Christmas Film Mathematic | STASH MAGAZINE

IGA “The Trophy” Christmas Film by Mathematic

The creative and production teams behind IGA’s standout 2019 holiday film “Inseparables” regroup for another animated heartwarmer for the grocery chain, this time fusing food, family, and hockey into a very Canadian tale. [Watch]

Migrants POLE 3D Animated Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

“Migrants” PÔLE 3D Animated Graduation Film

A powerful allegory about the plight of climate refugees, the multi-award-winning and Oscar-eligible CG short film “Migrants” was directed by five 5th year students at PÔLE 3D, an animation school based in Roubaix, France. [Watch]