Making of Michelin “CrossClimate”

Take a quick peek at how Wizz Design directing foursome Andy’s and fellow Parisians Unit Image continued the Michelin Man’s valiant tire-flinging mission on a grand scale in “CrossClimate.” [Watch]

Inspiration + Insight + Happy = Stash 111

One of our most diverse and striking issues to date, Stash 111 delivers wall-to-wall motion brilliance adding yet another 31 animation, VFX and motion design projects to the Stash Permanent Collection. [Watch]

Behind the Scenes on Joseph Kahn’s “Power/Rangers” Bootleg

Joseph Kahn broke the internet and the patience of two large media companies (looking at you Saban and Lionsgate) with the recent release of POWER/RANGERS, his hardcore update of a certain action franchise inexplicably dear to many otherwise sane people.

The 14-minute film was pulled down and then reinstated and has now spawned this BTS clip (shot and cut by Renn Brown with music by Brain and Melissa) showing just how the self-funded project happened from tech scout thru to cast/crew screening. [Watch]