Animation studio Nerdo in Turin, Italy weaves a seamless flow of Samurai, Yakuza, koi, horror, and a dragon into the opening for “Far East Festival,” a collection of Asian films running on Italian state broadcaster RAI. [Watch]
On October 1, 1992 Turner Broadcasting launched Cartoon Network primarily as an outlet for their recently purchased Hanna-Barbera library. Over the next 25 years the network nurtured scores of new characters and helped redefine pop culture. [Watch]
UK design director and 3D artist Douglas Bowden (aka Pandayoghurt) creates a series of minimalist and graceful 3D explorations of MAUD’s new mark for Australian broadcaster Foxtel. [Watch]
Ezequiel Rormoser, creative director at Superestudio in Buenos Aires: “This is a sizzle reel gathering 20 IDs we did for the TFX rebrand, a channel for French millennials. [Watch]
Alkanoids, the Milan design studio who opened PromaxBDA Rome a few weeks ago, is back with a series of fun Popsicle-colored IDs for Spike Italy – plus the only making-of video I’ve ever seen cut to a Rammstein track. [Watch]
What do two hours of motion brilliance look like hyper-compressed into just two minutes? Correct, exactly like this trailer for Stash 128. [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, Brand film, Branded Content, Broadcast Design, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Featured, Games, Illustration, Motion Capture, Motion Design, Music Video, Short Films, Spec work, Student Work, Style Frames, Titles, VFX · Tags ANIMATION WORKSHOP, Antimatter, Blue-Zoo, buck, Coat of Arms, COMPOSITE FILMS, Framestore, Gentleman Scholar, Giant Ant, Hannah Jacobs, HouseSpecial, Imaginary Forces, Infected, Laposta, Le Cube, Little Fluffy Clouds, Mathematic, MPC, Nexus, Platige, Raman Djafari, RUFFMERCY, Sehsucht, Shotopop, The Mill, Toros Kose, User T38, weareseventeen, WIZZ