Brooklyn studio MoSoMoS combine their many animation/production talents (including stop motion and motion control) into a delightful promo for NBC’s summer competition series called “Making it” starring Nick Offerman and Amy Poehler. [Watch]
Steve Viola, SVP of Design at FX Networks: “For the launch of our Sons of Anarchy spin-off, Mayans MC, we created a piece introducing the cultural tones of the series while bringing back the intensity and the rawness of Sons of Anarchy. [Watch]
Stash 129 is the latest chapter in our 14-year quest to curate the most innovative and inspiring motion work into the planet’s largest online video archive of design, animation, and VFX (plus behind-the-scenes features and exclusive interviews). [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, Broadcast Design, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Explainer, Featured, Games, Glitch, Illustration, Motion Capture, Motion Design, Music Video, Short Films, Student Work, VFX · Tags 2veinte, Agile Films, Bito, Blacksmith, Buff Motion, César Pelizer, Chalky Wong, dondon, ETIENNE KOMPIS, FELA BELLOTTO, Furia Digital, FutureDeluxe, GEN DESIGN STUDIO, GOODBYE KANSAS, Hello Savants, Jon Dunleavy, Laurence Honderick, Le Cube, Lobo, MegaComputeur, MPC, Newgold, Nexus, Pandayoghurt, Psyop, Rebecka Taule, SAM HUMPHRIES, Smith & Foulkes, SUN CREATURE, Tendril, The Mill, Tic Motion, TULIPS & CHIMNEYS, Watermark Creative, Worship
Creative Director Duncan Elms at Elastic in LA: “The series had six episodes with the themes, Alien life, Time Travel, Space Exploration, Dark Futures, Intelligent Machines, and Monsters. [Watch]
Blinkink director Nicos Livesey and The London Embroidery Studio transform 227,000 meters of thread into 600+ frames of animated tapestry in this formidable launch spot for the BBC’s coverage of the 2018 FIFA World Cup from Russia. [Watch]
From Tolm animation studio in Tallinn, Estonia: “Series of idents we created together with design collective Stuudio Stuudio for a new popular science TV channel Smartzone. [Watch]