Joe Bichard Animates “The Myth of Responsibility” for the RSA

Raoul Martinez on The Myth of Responsibility for the RSA [Watch]

The Courage To Invent NPR | STASH MAGAZINE

NPR: “The Courage To Invent”

Animator/illustrator Daniela Sherer, whose stripped down style worked so well in the this ACLU film addressing the Masterpiece Cakeshop case, tackles another important social issue in new work for NPR. [Watch]

Mr Porter – Five ways to be happier and more successful | STASH MAGAZINE

Mr Porter “Five Ways to be Happier and More Successful”

Stockholm illustrator/animator Jonas Mosesson builds on a jaunty track and suave VO to help online fashion retailer Mr Porter dispense wise advice for the modern (and stylish) man. [Watch]

Ta-Nehisi Coates Trump Atlantic | STASH MAGAZINE

Ta-Nehisi Coates: “The First White President”

Ta-Nehisi Coates, NY Times best-selling author and the architect of Marvel’s recent Black Panther reboot, makes the argument that “The foundation of Trump’s presidency is the negation of Barack Obama’s legacy.” [Watch]

Santa Is a Psychedelic Mushroom New york timesMatthew Slaton New york times | STASH MAGAZINE

Matthew Salton: “Santa Is a Psychedelic Mushroom”

Time to learn the truth behind the shamanistic origins of Santa Claus including why he dresses in red and white, why he enters your house through the chimney, and why the reindeer can fly. [Watch]