Cosentino Pietra Kode Collection Blanco Void | STASH MAGAZINE

Cosentino “Pietra Kode Collection” Brand Fim by Blanco Void

Working with brand consultancy Darwin & Verne, the new Madrid-based studio Blanco Void softly illustrates three timeless principles from Roman architect Vitruvius for Cosentino’s Pietra Kode Collection of designer surfaces. [Watch]

LUSH Self Preserving Explainer by Mummu Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

LUSH “Self Preserving” Explainer by Mummu Studio

From the team at Mummu Studio in London: “International natural cosmetics skincare brand LUSH sought the help of our Mummu Health division to simplify the science behind their new self-preserving skincare range, educating customers about the benefits of the microbiome, and why it matters for your skin health. [Watch]

2veinte and Mad Thought for Miami Design District Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

2veinte and Made Thought Take Flight for Miami Design District in New Short Film

Working with a brief from Brooklyn design agency Made Thought, the animation crew at 2veinte in Buenos Aires sets out to “capture the energy, style, culture, and vision” of the Miami Design District. [Watch]

Cannondale SuperSix EVO Brand Film by Trizz | STASH MAGAZINE

Cannondale SuperSix EVO Brand Film by Trizz

ECD Oriol Puig and the design/CG crew at Trizz in Barcelona sculpt carbon and luminescent lava into a dramatic product reveal film for US bike innovators Cannondale and their SuperSix EVO racing model. [Watch]

Human Horizons HiPhi Z Brand Film Adam Y K Chan and Ripple Group | STASH MAGAZINE

Tracking the HiPhi Z Luxury EV with Director Adam Y. K. Chan and Ripple Group

Combining live-action with seamless yet stylized CG/VFX, UK director Adam Y. K. Chan and Shanghai digital studio Ripple Group execute an adrenaline fest for Chinese luxury EV maker Human Horizons and their flagship HiPhi Z. [Watch]

Givenchy TK360 video TAVO Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

TAVO Studio Knits Up TK-360 Sneaker for Givenchy (Director’s Cut)

Director Tavo Ponce and his team at TAVO Studio in Madrid respond to a brief from Givenchy Paris to create the launch video for their TK-360 sneaker with the beguiling vision of a sci-fi manufacturing process. [Watch]