TAVO Studio CIRCUS Social Club Madrid | STASH MAGAZINE

TAVO Studio Redefines the Circus for Madrid Social Club

Given free rein to create the branding and motion assets for CIRCUS, an exclusive new social club in Madrid, the team at TAVO Studio responded with a delightful flourish of rich, intricate, and surreal visuals. [Watch]

Hublot Integrated Tourbillon Full Carbon by Ditroit | STASH MAGAZINE

Ditroit Gets Deep Into the Details of Hublot’s Integrated Tourbillon Full Carbon

In their latest collaboration with Swiss luxury watch brand Hublot, CD Salvatore Giuntathe and the motion crew at Ditroit in Milan embrace their 3D design and rendering OCD and crank the hyper-detail dial up to 11. [Watch]

xCruza Peabody eTermo Electric Thermos by Juan Andres Molteno | STASH MAGAZINE

Molten Layers Up in New Explainer for xCruza’s eTermo Electric Thermos

Buenos Aires director/designer Juan Andrés Molteno (aka Molten) brings a fresh and engaging mix of 3D style and 2D motion graphics to this snappy explainer for industrial design studio xCruza and their Peabody eTermo electric thermos. [Watch]

Heat Wave Visual MX250 Goggles Launch Film by Inertia Studios | STASH MAGAZINE

The Dust Refuses to Settle in Inertia’s New Launch Film for Heat Wave Visual

Director Thomas Valente and the design and animation team at Inertia Studios in London (who made the Best of Stash 2023 with their Helfare spot) brave a serious dust storm in this launch film for Heat Wave Visual’s MX250 goggles. [Watch]

Rocketpanda Brand Film for Mectron | STASH MAGAZINE

Rocketpanda Eases Dental Distress With Dino Comedy

Using 2D animated frames to guide the motion of their 3D characters, the Rocketpanda crew in Verona, Italy, make a light-hearted but fully convincing case to no longer fear the dentist for dental device brand Mectron. [Watch]

All-Pro Team NFLPA by Cub Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Cub Studio Go All-Pro for the National Football League Players Association

Expanding on their infatuation with American Football, Brighton animation innovators Cub Studio spin up a series of hand-painted 3D assets showcasing the 30 players selected to this year’s NFL All-Pro Team. [Watch]