Monetochka Burn Music Video Lado Kvataniya
BlueCheese Team | STASH MAGAZINE

Monetochka “Burn” Music Video by Lado Kvataniya
 and BlueCheese Team

With the help of Georgian director/writer Lado Kvataniya and animation studio BlueCheese Team, Russian singer-songwriter Monetochka delivers a quirky, expressionist, and ultimately powerful anti-propaganda message. [Watch]

She Hulk Attorney at Law Main On End Titles Aspect | STASH MAGAZINE

“She-Hulk: Attorney at Law” Main-On-End Titles by Aspect

CDs Jon Berkowitz, Brad Colwell, and their crew at Aspect in North Hollywood team with Toronto illustrator Kagan McLeod to add depth and character to Marvel’s She-Hulk: Attorney at Law series with these fun end credits. [Watch]

Code 11.59 Audemars Piguet Starwheel Ugo Gattoni | STASH MAGAZINE

Ugo Gattoni Launches the 11.59 for Audemars Piguet Starwheel

And then suddenly, right in the middle of the CG luxury watch wars, Parisian director/illustrator Ugo Gattoni drops this playful animated fantasy for the Code 11.59 timepiece by Audemars Piguet Starwheel. [Watch]

Vessel Studios Medical Animation | STASH MAGAZINE

Vessel Studios Elevates the Art and Science of Medical Animation

Atlanta’s Vessel Studios have been on a 10-year mission to elevate medical animation, carefully nudging their conservative pharma agency clients toward more refined and spirited visual explanations of complex science. [Watch]

PUBG Global Championship 2022 Trailer Super Very More | STASH MAGAZINE

PUBG Global Championship 2022 Trailer (Director’s Cut) by Super Very More

With a nod to the talents of Spanish director/artist/animator Alberto Mielgo, the team at Seoul studio Super Very More merge over-the-top action and obsessive rendering into a trailer for Krafton’s PUBG Global Championship 2022. [Watch]

Bittrex Trade On Hello Savants Not To Scale | STASH MAGAZINE

Hello Savants and Not To Scale Urge you to “Trade On” in Bittrex Brand Film

Not To Scale directors, Hello Savants reflect the increasingly perilous world of cryptocurrencies in this danger-filled animated brand film for the Bittrex Global trading platform. [Watch]